Tampermonkey is a versatile browser extension with over ???? million users that enhances your browsing experience by allowing you to run userscripts on websites.
A file from r2cdn.beatsaver.com returns an error, saying injected: Refused to connect to https://r2cdn.beatsaver.com/***: URL is not a part of the @connect ...
And finally there is another thing that should be mentioned: if a userscript contains a @connect-src statement, then all non-matching request will be denied.
Refer to the documentation for the @connect directive. It takes a domain, not a URL. So your @connect statement(s) would be like: // @connect my_url.com
Additionally add @connect * to the script to allow Tampermonkey to offer an Always allow all domains button. Users can also whitelist all requests by adding * ...
Tampermonkey is one of the most popular browser extensions across all major browsers. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, ... Userscripts · Firefox · Support · Microsoft Edge